What Do Kids Learn In Kindergarten? A simple guide

  • By: Sabina Dallmeyer
  • Date: April 6, 2023
  • Time to read: 5 min.

Kindergarten is an important time of learning for parents and children. It can be difficult to know if your child is on track. 

Kindergarteners are expected to know the names and sounds of all uppercase and lowercase letters and read a few words. Students are expected to count to 100, do basic addition up to 5, identify coins and read a calendar. Students are also exposed to social studies skills like map features and symbols of the country. Science is focused on observing the natural world: plants, weather and animals. 

A more detailed checklist of all the skills covered in a typical kindergarten year is available at the bottom of this post. 

To clarify, these are the skills a student should cover during kindergarten, so they would be able to do these things at the end of the kindergarten year. 

Hi, I am Sabina Dallmeyer and my goal is to build your confidence as a homeschool parent. I have worked in public school, virtual school and I am a homeschool mom. I wrote the checklist below to help guide you as you build your homeschool curriculum for kindergarten. 

Thank you for all the work you are doing to support your student, it will be worth it. 

All my experience in education has helped me create a series of grade level checklists. You can find the whole series of elementary level learning checklists in my TPT store

This list comes from state standards, curriculum contents and conversations that I have with homeschool moms and classroom teachers. I have also enjoyed reading the work of E.D. Hersch’s What My Kindergartener Needs to Know. 

What Is The Most Important Thing For Kids To Learn In Kindergarten?

When you are planning a kindergarten year it is important to spend lots of time in free play. Spend your learning time focusing on the most important skills. 

Here are the most important things to teach in kindergarten. 


Kindergarten math can be taught entirely without a curriculum if you focus on just a few skills. 

Counting to 100

Exploring numbers is a big part of kindergarten math. Start by counting objects as you go throughout your day then move to the written numbers. 

Keep in mind that counting all the way to 100 is a big milestone that kindergarteners work on all year. 

I loved partner counting with my kids at bedtime and we all celebrated the first time we got all the way to the finish line. 

Practice regularly until you get it! 

Adding Up to 5

You can introduce the concept of addition by counting toys or noodles or beans! No need for worksheets or flashcards in the beginning. 

Once your child can count objects up to 5, split the objects into groups and then count them all together. 

Move on to larger groups as your child gains confidence. 

Language Arts

Reading is a big focus in language arts in kindergarten. 

I know teaching reading was one of my biggest fears when I decided to homeschool. We tried Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons, but ultimately fell in love with Hooked On Phonics. 

We use the original Hooked on Phonics from a Goodwill store, but we are also starting to use the app and the new system. I like their method, it has worked for us. 

Ultimately, finding a reading curriculum that works for your family is a very personal decision. I highly recommend asking around and borrowing or buying used before you invest in something big. 

Social Studies

Social studies is focused on citizenship in kindergarten. 

The Pledge of Allegiance

The American Flag

The Name of the Current President

Community Helpers

I like to focus on these lessons around holidays, elections and other events that lend themselves to conversation with my kids.  


Science in Kindergarten is really fun. Students learn primarily though observation in science. 

Consider growing some plants, making a weather chart to track each day’s weather, observing magnet’s interaction, and mixing baking soda and vinegar. 

You can point out parts of plants, types of weather phenomenon and follow your child’s interests. 

Museums are also wonderful for this age. 

Kindergarten Skills Checklist

I have a very detailed kindergarten skills checklist that you can find in my TPT store. 

This checklist gives a full year of learning targets and space to record the date that your child demonstrated that skill. 

This is a great minimalist homeschool curriculum and can absolutely be the only piece of curriculum you need for kindergarten. 

You can buy it here for only $5

>> Kindergarten Skills Checklist <<

I originally created these checklists for my sister who constantly felt like she wasn’t doing enough. I want these lists to be reassuring and guiding. 

These lists are also a great way to document progress for a homeschool evaluation or portfolio. 

Do I need to teach my kindergartener the same things as public school?

While homeschooling requirements vary by state you are in charge of what is taught in your homeschool. 

In most states you do not have to stick to the same topics or skills being taught in the public school. 

This list will allow you to be confident that you have covered everything your child public school peers have covered, but it can also serve as inspiration. 

If you do not want to explore parts of plants and animal needs, simply cross that off your list and do what works for your family and your learner. 

Some states do require that you teach math, science, history and English each year, but they do not require specific topics that are to be covered. You can create the curriculum to fit your learner’s needs and interests. 

The checklist provides a framework for you to fill in with your own ideas for topics. 

It is possible that your child will go far beyond these skills in their first year and that is fine too. 

You can grab my first grade list and keep moving on. 

What is the easiest kindergarten homeschool curriculum?

Finally, what curriculum would I recommend?

Honestly, you can do it all with the $5, one page product I listed above

If you have a child who loves workbooks you can grab one on Amazon or at your local discount store. I saw a good one at Aldi one year! 

Brain Quest books are high quality and very straightforward. 

My hope is that this kindergarten skills checklist will guide your year and help you feel confidently on track! 

February 24 2023 10am Free Q&A Homeschool Evaluations RSVP to dallmeyerlearning@gmail.com

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