Online Q and A With 3 Evaluators: How To Prepare for Your Proof of Progress Evaluation

  • By: Sabina Dallmeyer
  • Date: February 1, 2023
  • Time to read: 1 min.

Join us to get prepped for a new homeschool year!

August 29, 2022 at 10 am

Three evaluators will give you a great plan to document your learning this year and dance through your end of the year proof of progress evaluation.

We will discuss:

  • Benifits of an Evaluation
  • Cost of An Evaluation
  • Scheduling an Evaluation
  • What to Expect At An Evaluation
  • How to Prep For an Evaluation
  • Testing Options
  • Planning Your Year (Setting Yearly Goals)
  • Choosing Curriculum

Our panel of 3 evaluators will share insight shared after working with hundreds of homeschool families.

Sign Up by emailing and you will recieve a Zoom Link 24 hours before the event and a follow up email with a recording.

Homeschool Evaluation Q and A August 29, 2022

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